A business credit card is absolutely essential to manage and track expenses. Whether you’re a corporate employee who travels to meetings or a small business owner who handles all purchases yourself, you need a business credit card that works as hard as you do.
The bank is quick to offer their credit card to you for your small business when you open a checking or savings account with them. While this is easy to sign up for, don’t assume it’s the best deal.
You need to shop smart for a business credit card. Compare features and benefits and be a bit selfish when it comes to building the credit of your new company. Look for a credit card with no annual fee.
You’re already paying interest on your purchases, so why would you pay a company more just to own the card? You can find a good business credit card deal with no annual fee if you check out the various credit card offers online.
Think of how your business credit card is used. If you regularly charge travel or office supply expenses, then you want a low APR. That’s the Annual Percentage Rate - or the amount of interest you pay on the outstanding balance.
For businesses that consistently keep monthly balances, every percentage point saved is money back in your favor instead of paying more to the credit card company. Credit card companies want your business account, so they offer even more than good rates - they offer bonuses!
A popular company credit card bonus is airline travel rewards. You earn points based on qualified purchases for airfare, hotels, rental cars, office equipment or computers. These points can be redeemed for gifts, restaurant meals or travel.
For a corporation or small business whose employees travel regularly, the points add up fast to pay for part of the next round of business travel. If your business travel is predominately on one airline, you can get a credit card sponsored by that airline. These cards tend to build up mileage rewards even faster.
Some credit cards offer cash back bonuses. This is more costly to the credit card company, so don’t be surprised to find that cash back credit cards also have an annual fee that ranges from $25 to $100.
Unless your business uses the card enough to get back more cash that what you pay out for the annual fee, then this card may not be your best deal. Small businesses will find what corporate managers already know - that a business credit card is an excellent way to keep track of business expenses - including travel and client entertainment.
Some credit cards provide detailed expense reporting, which delights the accounting department. Once the business qualifies for the business or corporate credit card, additional cards can be obtained for new employees.
As the business proves itself by regularly paying at least the monthly minimum payment, the credit limits will increase.
For a new business, a credit card is a great way to establish credit that will come in handy for expansion costs in the future.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Which Is the Best Credit Card for Your Business?
Posted by Credit Card Merchant at Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Labels: business credit card.company credit card.corporate credit card
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